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October 27, 2024



Dear Parishioners,



We take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting your parish through donations and services rendered. The Sunday donations to the end of August were up by 17% which is very encouraging.



This year’s insurance invoice hasn’t been received yet but should be in the range of $6500.00 (last year was $6266.45). The insurance year of coverage is October 1st to September 30th. Our Spring Bazaar raised $2469.89, leaving us well short of our goal.



Therefore, we are appealing to our parishioners again this year for donations to help meet this expense. Your donations are non-taxable to the diocese, which means that all the money received stays in the parish and a tax receipt is issued at the end of the year.



Please make your donation payable to “St. Denis Parish” and mark on your envelope “Insurance Donation” and write your envelope number on the envelope or use the blue envelope provided at the beginning of September. Please include your name and address if you do not have an envelope number. Deposit your donation in the Sunday collection basket between now and the end of the year or hand it in to one of the trustees or to Father Peter.



Peace and blessings in Christ,



The Trustees of St. Denis

Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of St.Boniface

Welcome - Bienvenue​

Our Vision - Making our parish a missionary Church

Notre Vision - Faire de la paroisse une Église missionnaire

Our Mission - Love God, Love others, Form disciples

Notre Mission - Aimer Dieu, Aimer les autres, Former des disciples

MASS TIME: Sunday - 9:00 am, Bilingual celebration

Eucharistic Adoration every Friday at 9:00 am

Confessions every Friday from 9:00 am- 10:00 am 

Mass every Friday at 10:00 am.


 53 St. Augustine Street, Haywood, MB

"Bishop of Paris, and martyr. Born in Italy, nothing is definitely known of the time or place, or of his early life. His feast is kept on 9 October. He is usually represented with his head in his hands because, according to the legend, after his execution the corpse rose again and carried the head for some distance."

Saint Denis

Excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia

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